Your search returned 135 results.

Dual diagnosis : an integrated approach to treatment by
  • Watkins, Ted R
  • Lewellen, Ara
  • Barrett, Marjie C
Language: Engels
Publication details: Thousand Oaks Sage Publications 2001
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: 670 WATK.
Drugs and addictive behaviour : a guide to treatment by
  • Ghodse, Hamid
Edition: 3rd. ed.
Language: Engels
Publication details: Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2002
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: 620 GHOD.
Substance abuse assessment and diagnosis : a comprehensive guide for counselors and helping professionals by
  • Juhnke, Gerald A
Language: Engels
Publication details: New York Brunner-Routledge 2002
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: 620 JUHN.
Principles of addiction medicine by
  • Graham, Allan W [ed.]
  • Schultz, Terry K [ed.]
  • Mayo-Smith, Michael F [ed.]
  • Ries, Richard K [ed.]
  • Wilford, Bonnie B [ed.]
Edition: 3rd. ed.
Language: Engels
Publication details: Chevy Chase American Society of Addiction Medicine 2003
Availability: Items available for reference: VAD: Not For Loan (1)Call number: 160 GRAH.
Addiction and psychopathology : a multidimensional approach to clinical practice : proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam op gezag van de Rector Magnificus by
  • Hendriks, Vincent M
Series: IVO-reeks ; 1Language: Engels
Publication details: Rotterdam IVO 1990
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: 670 HEND.
Manual of adolescent substance abuse treatment by
  • Estroff, Todd Wilk [ed.]
Language: Engels
Publication details: Washington American Psychiatric Press 2001
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: 710 ESTR.
Counseling problem gamblers : a self-regulation manual for individual and family therapy by
  • Ciarrocchi, Joseph W
Language: Engels
Publication details: San Diego Academic Press 2002
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: 200 CIAR.
European Addiction Severity Index : EuropASI, Follow-up ASI : handleiding De Sleutel by
  • De Sleutel
Language: Nederlands
Publication details: Merelbeke De Sleutel 2002
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: BOX179.
Beknopte handleiding bij de diagnostische criteria van de DSM-IV-TR by
  • Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie
Language: Nederlands
Publication details: Lisse Swets & Zeitlinger 2001
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: 990 APA.
Alcohol home detoxification and assessment by
  • Cooper, David B
Language: Engels
Publication details: Oxford Radcliffe Medical Press 1994
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: 640 COOP.
Care of drug users in general practice : a harm-minimization aproach by
  • Beaumont, Berry [ed.]
Language: Engels
Publication details: Abingdon Radcliffe Medical Press 1999
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: 620 BEAU.
Handbook of alcoholism by
  • Zernig, Gerald [ed.]
  • Saria, Alois [ed.]
  • Kurz, Martin [ed.]
  • O'Malley, Stephanie S [ed.]
Language: Engels
Publication details: Boca Raton CRC 2000
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: 160 ZENN. Items available for reference: VAD: Not For Loan (1).
Alcohol dependence scale [ADS] : user's guide by
  • Skinner, Harvey A
  • Horn, John L
Language: Engels
Publication details: Toronto Addiction Research Foundation 1984
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: BOX31.
Omgaan met een alcoholcrisis by
  • Van Liesdonk, G
Language: Nederlands
Publication details: Breda CAD West- en Midden-Brabant 1994
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: BOX352.
Diagnostiek en behandeling van ADHD [PDF] by
  • Gezondheidsraad
Language: Nederlands
Publication details: Den Haag Gezondheidsraad 2000
Availability: Items available for reference: VAD: Not for loan (1).
Neuropsychologisch onderzoek bij patiënten met een alcoholisch Korsakov syndroom : een aanzet tot differentiële diagnostiek by
  • Huijsman, A.M
  • Diamant, J.J
  • Kok, A.F.W
  • Timmer, C
Language: Nederlands
Publication details: Utrecht Korsakov Stichting 1992
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: BOX228.
Screening for alcohol abuse or dependence : college freshmen, general practice patients, hospital patients : thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in de medische wetenschappen by
  • Aertgeerts, Bert
Language: Engels
Publication details: Leuven Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 2000
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: 640 AERT.
Drug and alcohol abuse : a clinical guide to diagnosis and treatment by
  • Schuckit, Marc A
Edition: 5th ed.
Language: Engels
Publication details: New York Kluwer Academic 2000
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: 160 SCHU. Items available for reference: VAD: Not For Loan (1).
Vlaamse aanpassing van de Addiction Severity Index : aids-risicogedrag bij injecterende druggebruikers en evaluatie van een preventieproject : voorlopige aanpassing ten behoeve van het onderzoeksproject by
  • Vereniging voor Alcohol- en andere Drugproblemen [VAD]
Language: Nederlands
Publication details: Brussel VAD
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: BOX278.
The drinker inventory of consequences [DrInC] : an instrument for assessing adverse consequences of alcohol abuse : test manual by
  • Miller, William R
  • Tonigan, J. Scott
  • Longabaugh, Richard
Series: Project Match monograph series ; volume 4Language: Engels
Publication details: Rockville NIAAA 1995
Availability: Items available for loan: VAD (1)Call number: 410 MILL.