Co-ordination of an Expert Working Group to develop instruments and guidelines to improve quality and comparability of general population surveys on drugs in the EU : follow up of EMCDDA project CT.96.EP.08 : technical annexes [PDF]

Co-ordination of an Expert Working Group to develop instruments and guidelines to improve quality and comparability of general population surveys on drugs in the EU : follow up of EMCDDA project CT.96.EP.08 : technical annexes [PDF]
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction [EMCDDA]
Amsterdams Bureau voor Onderzoek en Statistiek
Lisboa: EMCDDA, 1999
141 p.

bevolkingsonderzoek - dataverzameling - drugs - enquêtes - epidemiologie - Europa - Europese Unie - onderzoeksmethoden - onderzoeksrapporten - richtlijnen - vragenlijsten -


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