Neuropathology of drug addictions and substance misuse : volume 3 : general processes and mechanisms, prescription medications, caffeine and areca, polydrug misuse, emerging addictions and non-drug addictions

Neuropathology of drug addictions and substance misuse : volume 3 : general processes and mechanisms, prescription medications, caffeine and areca, polydrug misuse, emerging addictions and non-drug addictions
Preedy, Victor R. (ed.)
Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2016
XXVI, 1068 p.
ISBN 978-0-12-800634-4

alcohol - drugs - psychische stoornissen - farmacologie - comorbiditeit - mefedrone - slaap - persoonlijkheidsstoornissen - benzodiazepines - opiaten - heroïne - methadon - Fentanyl - methylfenidaat - cafeïne - polydruggebruik - kratom - Nieuwe Psychoactieve Stoffen - internetverslaving - werkverslaving - sportverslaving - koopverslaving - eetstoornissen - gokken -

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