Poly substance use and mental health among individuals presenting for substance abuse treatment

Poly substance use and mental health among individuals presenting for substance abuse treatment
Vanderplasschen, Wouter
De Maeyer, Jessica Colpaert, Kathy Cogels, Serge Rea, Andrea Dom, Geert Sabbe, Bernard Broekaert, Eric
Gent: Academia Press, 2012
IV, 201 p.
Science and society
ISBN 978 90 382 1982 0

drugs - alcohol - hulpverlening - polydruggebruik - epidemiologie - onderzoeksrapporten -

BOEKEN/BROCHURES OPENKAST 620 VAND ; barcode 2012-0133
BOEKEN/BROCHURES OPENKAST 620 VAND ; barcode 2014-0099