Prevalence of alcohol and other psychoactive substances in injured and killed drivers [PDF]

Prevalence of alcohol and other psychoactive substances in injured and killed drivers [PDF]
Isalberti, Cristina
Van der Linden, Trudy Legrand, Sara-Ann Verstraete, Alain Bernhoft, Inger Marie Hels, Tove Nørgaard Olesen, Morten Houwing, Sjoers Houtenbos, Maura Matthijsen, René
Driving Under the Influence of Drugs, Alcohol and Medicines [DRUID]
Gent: Universiteit Gent, 2011
348 p.

drugs - alcohol - geneesmiddelen - verkeersveiligheid - epidemiologie - onderzoeksrapporten - België - Denemarken - Finland - Italië - Litouwen - Nederland -


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