Cannabis 2002 report : a joint international effort at the initiative of the Ministers of Public Health of Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland : technical report of the international scientific conference : Brussels, Belgium, 25/02/2002 [PDF]

Cannabis 2002 report : a joint international effort at the initiative of the Ministers of Public Health of Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland : technical report of the international scientific conference : Brussels, Belgium, 25/02/2002 [PDF]
Spruit, Inge P.
Brussels: Ministry of Public Health, 2002
PDF beschikbaar in de bibliotheek
ISBN 9080705616

beleid - België - cannabis - congressen en studiedagen - drugs - Duitsland - Frankrijk - Nederland - onderzoeksrapporten - preventie - psychische stoornissen - somatische stoornissen - Zwitserland -


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